
Manage Inventory Effortlessly with Kledo’s Inventory Software

Monitor stock from multiple warehouses in real-time, create inventory checks, generate delivery orders, and integrate directly with sales and purchases.

pantau produk terlaris

Monitor Best-Selling Products

Get updates on best-selling product reports, how much profit is generated, and real-time reports of out-of-stock products. Use this information to make the right decisions when reordering products and determining your product pricing.
import dari excel

Import from Excel

No need to manually enter product and inventory check data one by one; just type it in Excel and upload it. All data will be imported into the Kledo system.
penyimpanan multi gudang

Multi-Warehouse Storage

Manage your product stock in multiple locations easily and monitor warehouse stock in real-time.
produk paket

Product Bundling

Combine multiple products into one product bundle to increase sales.
penyesuaian stok

Stock Adjustment

Create stock adjustments for items that are not related to sales and purchases, such as adjustments for promotions, lost items, and damaged items. All can be done easily.
stok opname

Inventory Check

Perform inventory checks with ease. Download the latest inventory report in Excel format, enter the latest stock calculations in Excel, and upload them to Kledo. Easy, isn’t it?
laporan gudang realtime

Real-time Warehouse Reports

View detailed reports on stock in each warehouse in real-time, no need to wait until the end of the month. Monitor every stock movement and no longer worry about lost, untracked items.
perhitungan hpp otomatis

Automatic COGS Calculation

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) will be automatically and accurately calculated.
surat jalan terintegrasi

Integrated Delivery Orders

Create delivery orders for each sale, directly integrated with the warehouse stock system.
terintegrasi dengan fitur invoice

Integrated with Invoice Features

Inventory is integrated with Purchase Invoices and Sales Invoices. Inventory is automatically calculated after invoices are created for customers or vendors.
transfer gudang

Warehouse Transfers

Easily move your goods between warehouses. Get neat inventory records for inter-warehouse stock transfers without any hassle.
pantau dari mana saja

Monitor Anywhere

Monitor your stock from anywhere, no need to come to the office or warehouse. You can access reports from your phone or laptop wherever you are.
Restock Reminder

Restock Reminder

Have you ever run out of stock when a customer wants to buy? By using the “restock reminder” feature, you can minimize this situation and order items before they run out of stock.
Konversi Satuan

Unit Conversion

With unit conversion available, it’s easier for you to categorize each item and create unit groups to set prices for each unit, such as pieces, dozens, grams, and kilograms.
Diskon Produk Fleksibel

Flexible Product Discounts

With Kledo, you can record price adjustments and discounts you provide at specific times, for certain products, or even for specific customers.
Harga Bertingkat

Tiered Pricing

If you sell products both wholesale and retail, you can use tiered pricing for the same product but with different quantities. This will make it easier to price all your products.