
Accounting & Bookkeeping Process Easier

Now you can monitor your business’s financial health anytime and anywhere with more practicality.

Pembukuan Otomatis

Automatic Bookkeeping

Manual bookkeeping processes are time-consuming and error-prone. By using Kledo, now you can record, monitor, and generate financial data automatically with more ease at any time.
Mudah Untuk Pemula


Kledo is designed for all types and scales of businesses. Even if you don’t have in-depth knowledge, you can easily adapt to Kledo. Moreover, the great Kledo team will always assist you until you can use it for FREE.
Pencatatan Data Bisnis Lebih Mudah

Easier Business Data Recording

Starting from the sales process, purchases, receivables and payables, to asset depreciation calculations, you can easily do it in Kledo. All business processes become easier to monitor.
Rekonsiliasi Bank Otomatis

Automatic Bank Reconciliation

Manual reconciliation processes are tiring. If you use Kledo, you can automatically reconcile transactions that occur with your bank statements and save your time.
Laporan Keuangan Realtime

Real-Time Financial Reports

In Kledo, you will get more than 50 financial reports that you can generate instantly in 1 click. Now, no financial information will be missed, making it easier for you to make better decisions.
Multi Mata Uang


Recording transactions in various currencies other than rupiah? Don’t worry, Kledo has a multi-currency feature that will make it easier for you to record and manage various transactions from different currencies.
Pantau Produksi Dari Bahan Baku Sampai Produk Jadi

Subsidiary Consolidation

Have many businesses but want financial data in one centralized database? With Kledo, you can! The consolidation feature will automatically compile reports from each company into one consolidated report.