
Manage your business’s assets without hassle

Kledo makes it easy for you to track assets, automatically depreciate assets, and get real-time asset reports.

catat dan lacak aset dengan mudah

Easily Record and Track Assets

Business assets such as buildings, cars, machinery, and office equipment can be recorded with a single click. Specify the depreciation calculations, and Kledo will take care of the rest.
perhitungan depresiasi otomatis

Automatic Depreciation Calculation

Kledo will automatically calculate the depreciation for each asset at the end of every month. No more hassle with complicated depreciation formulas.
atur pelepasan dan penjualan aset dengan sekali klik

Manage Asset Disposal and Sales with a Single Click

Disposal and sales of assets can be recorded with a single click, and they will be automatically updated in your business’s financial reports.
terhubung dengan fitur purchasing

Connects with Purchasing Feature

When making purchases, assets bought will automatically be added to the fixed asset list. No need for double data entry.
laporan aset realtime

Real-time Asset Reports

Get in-depth and real-time business asset reports.