
50 business & financial reports

Make informed business decisions with accurate information about your business’s performance.

dapatkan ringkasan performa dari dashboard

Get a summary of performance from the dashboard

See your business expenses, best selling products, profit and loss, and bank balance in the form of beautiful graphics from the dashboard.
buat keputusan bisnis berdasar data aktual

Make a business decision based on actual data

Don’t wait until the end of the month to get your business report. See the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow and even executive summary whenever you need.Get in depth reports to plan your business precisely.
lihat laporan bisnis dari manapun

See business reports from anywhere

While traveling or having a business trip, you can monitor your business health from anywhere through mobile phones, tablets or laptops.
Laporan profitabilitas

Profitability Report

Now you can see profitability reports per bill, per customer, even per product easily. In this way, you can make better business decisions based on definite data history.

What reports are provided by Kledo?


Balance sheet report

The real image of assets, obligations, and capital in the business that you have in the current accounting period


Cash flow statement

Contains payment information and business income that you have for a certain period of time


Income statement

Reports on Profits or Losses produced by the business you have for a certain period of time


Executive Summary

Details of analysis of business performance and achievement in a certain period for decision making


Bank summary

Summary of changes in balances received and issued for cash, banks, and current accounts for a certain period of time



The entire financial transaction recording tool, consists of all accounting journals as a basis for financial reporting



All financial transactions are chronologically recorded with the aim of collecting data


Trial Balance

List of accounts along with the balance in a certain period of time, control of the credit debit balance of each account


Sales tax

Accumulated sales VAT and Purchase paid for transactions over a certain period of time


Withholding Tax

Details of tax withholding obligations from multiple transactions conducted during a specific time period


Accounts Receivable Aging

Grouping accounts receivable balances by age categories. The basis for analyzing receivables in terms of customer credit risk


Customer Invoices

Details of invoices created during a specific time period, including balances and payments made


Revenue per Customer

Accumulated revenue per customer for sales transactions that occurred


Sales per Product

Accumulated sales per product for sales transactions that occurred within a specific time frame


Accounts Payable Aging

Grouping accounts payable balances by age categories. Basis for analyzing liabilities in terms of liquidity and default risk


Vendor Invoices

Details of purchase invoices created during a specific time period, including balances and payments made


Purchase per Product

Accumulated purchases per product for purchase transactions that occurred within a specific time frame


Purchase per Vendor

Accumulated purchases per vendor for sales transactions that occurred within a specific time frame


Cost per Contact

Accumulated costs per contact for operational business activities within a specific time frame


Expense Claim Details

Grouping expenses by age. Basis for analyzing other liabilities for liquidity and default risks


Fixed Asset Summary

Grouping fixed assets by category and asset type, including depreciation and book value information


Fixed Asset Details

Comprehensive information regarding each fixed asset owned over time, with the option to sell or dispose of them


Sales Invoice Summary

Accumulation of unpaid, overdue, and last 30-day payment status for invoices


Last 30 Days Sales

Accumulation of quantity and sales amount per product for the last 30 days


Received Payments

Summary in the form of a curve of income received in sales transactions every month


Sales Quotation Summary

Accumulation of transactions in draft, sent, and approved sales quotation statuses


Purchase Invoice Summary

Accumulation of unpaid purchase invoice, due, and 30-day purchases


Last 30 Days Purchases

Accumulation of quantity and purchase amount per product for the last 30 days



Summary in the form of a curve of payments in purchase invoice transactions occurring every month


Purchase Order Summary

Accumulation of purchase order statuses in draft, awaiting approval, and approved


Inventory Summary

A list of all products, with details of the quantity and total inventory of each product


Inventory Stock Movement

Details of stock movement in terms of quantity and value, including initial, movement, and final details


Warehouse Stock Summary

List of all products with details of inventory quantities in each warehouse


Warehouse Stock Movement

List of all products with details of inventory quantities in each warehouse


Debt and Receivable per Contact

Detailed information about vendor debt and customer receivables for a selected period


Product Profitability

Accumulation of profit per product from sales transactions that occurred during a specific period


Profitability per Invoice

Accumulation of profit per invoice from sales transactions over a specific time period


Sales per Sales Person

Easily monitor the performance of all sales personnel, including their commission amounts, on a monthly basis


Production Reports

A report that includes raw material checks, sales and purchase charts, and inventory stock movements


Sales of Products per Customer

Accumulation of product sales per customer over a specific period


Budget Management

Contains information about business budget management, real-time expense tracking, and aligning available budget with operational business needs


Profit and Loss Budget

A tool for estimating future business profits or losses and monitoring real-time profit and loss reports


Asset Disposal

Details of business assets during a specific period, including initial value, total depreciation, and end-of-asset value



A tool for storing supporting documents such as invoices, tax reports, and other documents to facilitate the accounting process


Sales Details

Contains information on all sales that occurred within a specific period that you can configure


Sales Shipment

Contains information on sales transactions using the product shipping method, complete with customer names and products


Shipping Costs per Carrier

Accumulation of shipping costs from each shipping carrier working with your business


Payment of Purchase Invoices

Contains details of the amount owed by your customers that have been paid, including invoice numbers, amounts, and payment dates


Sales per Product Category

Accumulation of sales per product category from sales transactions that occurred within a specific period


Sales per Period

Details of sales that occurred during a specific time period, including quantity and total value


Purchase Details

Contains information on all purchases that occurred within the business at a specific time that you can configure


Purchase Shipment

Contains information on purchase transactions using the product shipping method, complete with customer names and products


Payment of Purchase Invoices

Contains details of purchase invoices that you can mark as paid, including invoice numbers, amounts, and payment dates


Purchase per Period

Details of purchases that occurred during a specific time period, including quantity and total value


Stock Adjustment Report

Details of stock adjustments in terms of quantity and value, initial details, movements, and final details