
Sell More Easily on Lazada, Record Faster on Kledo

Comprehensive efficiency from sales to recording all transactions that occur with the integration of your Lazada and Kledo accounts.

Connect your Lazada account with Kledo. Now you can synchronize, automate, and analyze sales data more easily with this integration.

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Automatic synchronization between Lazada and Kledo

Save time, increase accuracy, and monitor your business’s financial records by connecting your Lazada account with Kledo. This fully automated and real-time solution allows you to synchronize orders, products, payments, inventory, and much more.

How Kledo Simplifies Online Sellers on Lazada?

Selling on Lazada is all about speed. By using Kledo and Lazada integration features, you can work seamlessly and facilitate the growth of your business.


Make accounting processes easier

Kledo helps you grow your business by automating the recording of your transactions on Lazada so you can focus on the bigger picture of your business.

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Save time and increase accuracy

Choose which orders are synchronized to Kledo based on the payment status of the order. This option gives you more control over how your orders are synchronized.

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When products are created or sold in your Lazada account, they will be automatically recorded and synchronized in your Kledo account as well. Automation is now part of your business.

How to Perform This Integration?

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Integrated Applications

Simplify the management of your online store on Lazada by using Lazada and Kledo integration.

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