
Now every production stage & manufacturing process is recorded better

Record every manufacturing process in your business in more detail in an easy and practical way.

Pantau Produksi Dari Bahan Baku Sampai Produk Jadi

Monitor Production From Raw Materials to Finished Products

Every manufacturing process is perfectly recorded so you can see every cost item in the production process of each product. Now, no information is left out in your business.
Konversi Produk Tercatat Lebih Mudah

Product Conversion Recorded More Easily

Detailed conversion calculations from raw materials to finished products, including the cost of raw materials to production costs. You can increase efficiency and make better decisions.
Surat Perintah Produksi

Production Orders

Have a messy production process without clear stages? By using Kledo, you can issue production orders for a more optimal and clear business process.
Setiap Proses Produksi Ada Laporannya

Every Production Process Has Its Report

You can’t measure what you don’t know. With production reports in Kledo, you can measure the effectiveness of manufacturing processes more easily and generate higher profits.