
Simplify purchasing process with Kledo

Create purchase orders quickly and convert purchase orders into purchase invoices with just one click.

catat semua detail order

Record all order details

Track all purchase orders and purchases down to every detail, what price was agreed upon, and all supporting documents.
buat faktur pembelian

Create purchase invoices from purchase orders with one click

When you’ve reached an agreement with the vendor, you can create purchase invoices from purchase orders with just one click.
lampirkan foto atau scan document

Attach photos or scanned documents

Reduce paper clutter, attach all your paper documents to your purchase orders and invoices.
dapatkan informasi statistik pembelian

Get purchase information and statistics

Know exactly what you bought from the vendor, the agreed-upon prices, how many purchase orders were rejected, and when they are due.
lakukan pembayaran bertahap

Make gradual payments

You can make payments for purchases in installments, and Kledo can record them neatly and accurately.
perhitungan pajak otomatis

Automatic Tax Calculation

All purchase taxes will be automatically recorded for tax reporting. You can customize any type of tax that applies to your business, including withholding tax.
stock gudang tercatat otomatis

Stock and warehouse automatically recorded

Product stock will be automatically recorded in the warehouse you specify. No need for double data entry for inventory management!