
Kledo Term & Services


These terms are binding and come into effect for you when you start accessing any services from Kledo.

Kledo’s services may change from time to time based on Kledo’s policies, government decisions, user feedback, and technical changes to the system. These terms are not intended to address every question or issue that may arise from the use of Kledo’s services. Kledo reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time, and they will come into effect when the new or revised Terms and Conditions are attached to the Kledo website. Kledo will make an effort to announce changes to you via email or notifications on the website. Because it is quite possible that these Terms and Conditions will change from time to time, it is your responsibility to ensure that you have read, understood, and agreed to the latest Terms and Conditions available on the Kledo website. By registering to use Kledo’s services, you state that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions and are deemed authorized to act on behalf of anyone registered to use our services.
  1. Kledo’s Terms & Conditions

    1. Agreement – means these Terms & Conditions;
    2. Access Fees – means the monthly fees (excluding taxes) that you must pay as per the fee schedule listed on the Kledo website (which Kledo may change from time to time with your knowledge);
    3. Confidential Information – encompasses all information communicated between the parties to this Agreement, whether in writing, electronic, or oral form, including this Service, but excluding information that is already or will become public, except as disclosed and uncovered without right or by the user or others unlawfully;
    4. Data – means any data that you input or authorize to be input by you into the Website;
    5. Intellectual Property Rights – means patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, design rights, know-how, or other intellectual or industrial property rights, whether registered or unregistered;
    6. Service – means accounting, financial, and operational management services provided (and may be changed or updated from time to time) through the Website and mobile applications;
    7. Website – means the website at the domain kledo.com or other websites managed by Kledo;
    8. Kledo – means PT Kledo Berhati Nyaman registered in Indonesia;
    9. Invited Users – means any person or entity, other than the Customer, who uses the Service from time to time at the Customer’s invitation;
    10. Customer – means an individual, whether personally, an organization, or another entity, who registers to use the Service;
    11. You – means the Customer, User, or Invited User.
  2. Usage of Software

    Kledo grants you the right to access and use Kledo Services through our Website with predefined user roles suitable for the type of service you have chosen. This right is non-exclusive, non-transferable, and subject to the terms of this agreement. You acknowledge and agree, subject to any written agreement between the Customer and Invited Users or other applicable laws:
    • It is the Customer’s responsibility to determine who has access as Invited Users and the types of roles and rights they have to access the data you own.
    • It is the Customer’s responsibility for all use of the Services by Invited Users.
    • It is the Customer’s responsibility to control any level of access for Invited Users to the organization and relevant Services at any time, and they can revoke or modify access or the level of access for Invited Users at any time, for any reason in any case.
    • If there is a dispute between the Customer and Invited Users regarding access to any organization or Services, it is the Customer who must make decisions and manage access or the level of access to the Data or Services that Invited Users will have if there are any.
  3. Availability of Our Services

    1. Service: Our services guarantee a minimum of 90% uptime per month. If our service falls below 90% uptime, our customers have the right to report it and receive compensation, with the maximum compensation being equal to the subscription fee for your Kledo package for 1 year.
    2. Product Support: Our Product Support services are available through 3 channels:
      • Chat: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Monday – Friday. Chats received outside working hours will be responded to via email within 24 hours.
      • Phone: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Monday – Friday.
      • Email: 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, Monday – Friday. Emails received outside working hours will be responded to within 24 hours.
  4. Your Obligations

    1. Payment Obligation: Invoices for Access Fees will be generated each month, starting one month from the date you subscribe to Kledo Services. All invoices are billed for the Access Fee for the Active Period of using the Services. Kledo will continue to generate invoices for you at the end of the Active Period until this agreement is terminated in accordance with the terms in Article 9. The Active Period will automatically begin no later than 30 days after you make the first payment of the Access Fee. All invoices from Kledo will be sent to you, or to the billing contact you have provided via email. You must make payments in accordance with the amount stated in your invoice before the due date for the invoice and must be settled within 7 days from the date the invoice is sent by Kledo. You are responsible for paying all taxes and fees added to the Access Fee (if any) and must keep transaction records. If the service is temporarily suspended before payment is made, we will activate the service after you make the Access Fee payment for the extension of the Active Period.
    2. General Obligations: You must ensure that you only use the Services and Website for your legitimate and lawful internal business purposes, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions and notifications issued by Kledo or the terms stated on the Website. You may use the Services and Website on behalf of others or other entities, or to provide services to them, but you must ensure that you are authorized to do so, and all parties receiving the Services through you comply with and agree to all the terms of this Agreement that apply to you.
    3. Access Requirements: You must ensure that all required usernames and passwords to access Kledo Services are stored securely and confidentially. You must promptly notify Kledo of any unauthorized use of your password, or other security breaches, and Kledo will reset your password, and you must take any other actions deemed sufficiently important by Kledo to maintain or improve the security of the Kledo computer system and network, and your access to our Services. As a condition of these Terms, when accessing and using Kledo Services, you must:
      • Not attempt to weaken the security or integrity of the Kledo computer system or network, or if its Services are hosted by a third party, the computer system or network of the third party;
      • Not use or abuse Kledo Services in any way that may disrupt the ability of other users to use the Services or Website;
      • Not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any material other than what has been clearly stated that you have permission to access, or to access our computer system where its Services are hosted;
      • Not send or input into the Website: any files that may damage another person’s computer or software, materials that are insulting, or materials or data that violate any laws (including data or other materials protected by copyright or trade secrets that you do not have the right to use);
      • Not attempt to alter, copy, mimic, dismantle, or reverse-engineer any computer program used to provide Kledo Services, or use the Website outside the necessary and intended use.
    4. Usage Limitations: The use of Kledo Services may be limited, but not limited to monthly transaction volumes and the number of processes you are allowed to use by calling the Kledo application programming interface. If any, these limitations will be determined and specified in the related Services.
    5. Communication Terms: As a condition of these Terms, if you use any communication tools available through the Website (such as any forum or chat room), you agree to use these communication tools only for legitimate purposes. You may not use these communication tools to post or distribute any material unrelated to the use of the Services, including (but not limited to): offering goods and services for sale, unsolicited commercial emails, files that may damage another person’s computer or software, materials that may insult other users of the Services or other Website, or materials that violate any laws (including materials protected by copyright or trade secrets that you do not have the right to use). When you communicate in any form on the Website, you warrant that you are allowed to make such communication. Kledo is not obligated to ensure that communication on the Website is lawful and correct, or that they are only related to the use of the Services. Kledo reserves the right to remove any communication at any time at its discretion.
    6. Indemnification: You release Kledo from all claims, suits, costs, losses, damages, and losses arising as a result of your breach of the Terms and Conditions set forth in this Agreement, or any obligations that you may have to Kledo, including (but not limited to) any costs related to the acquisition of any Access Fee that has matured but not yet been paid.
  5. Confidentiality and Privacy

    1. Confidentiality: Each party agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all the other party’s Confidential Information in connection with this agreement. Each party SHALL NOT, without the written consent of the other party, disclose or provide the Confidential Information to anyone or use it for their own benefit, except as provided by these Terms. The obligations of each party under these terms will survive even after the termination of these Terms. The provisions of this Article do not apply to information that:
      • Has become public knowledge other than through a breach of these terms;
      • Is received from a third party who has lawfully obtained it and has no obligation to restrict its disclosure;
      • Is independently developed without access to the Confidential Information.
    2. Privacy: Kledo has and maintains a privacy policy that explains and establishes the obligations of the parties to respect personal information. You are advised to read our privacy policy at kledo.com/privacy-policy/, and you will be deemed to have agreed to that policy when you agree to these terms.
  6. Intellectual Property

    Ownership and all Intellectual Property Rights acquired in the Service, Website, and any related documentation remain the property of Kledo. Ownership and all Intellectual Property Rights in the Data remain your property. However, access to your Data depends on the payment of Kledo’s Access Fees when due. You grant Kledo permission to use, copy, transmit, store, and back up your information and Data for the purpose of providing you with access to and the ability to use Kledo Services, or for other purposes related to the provision of our services to you. You are strongly advised to keep copies of all Data you enter into Kledo Services. Kledo complies with the policy and follows best practices to prevent data loss, including daily system backup routines, but makes no warranty that data loss will never occur. Kledo explicitly disclaims any responsibility for data loss for any reason.
  7. Guarantee and Acknowledgment

    1. You warrant that, if you register to use the Service on behalf of someone else, you have the authority to accept these terms on their behalf and agree that by registering to use Kledo’s Service, you bind the person you represent or intend to make any actions on their behalf to any obligations you have agreed to in these terms, without limiting your own obligations under these terms.
    2. You acknowledge that:
      1. You have the authority to use the Service and the Website, and to access the information and Data you input into the Website, including any information or Data entered into the Website by anyone you have authorized to use Kledo Services. You are also authorized to access information and data that has been processed, provided to you through your use of our Website and Services (whether the information and Data belong to you or others).
      2. Kledo is not responsible to anyone but you, and there is no intention in this Agreement to confer benefits on anyone other than you. If you use the Service or access the Website on behalf of or for the benefit of someone other than yourself (whether an incorporated or unincorporated entity or otherwise), you agree that:
        • You are responsible for ensuring that you have the right to do so.
        • You are responsible for authorizing anyone to access information or Data, and you agree that Kledo has no obligation to provide anyone access to such information or Data without your authorization and may refer any requests for information to you to be dealt with.
        • You release Kledo from any claim or loss relating to: Kledo’s refusal to provide access to anyone to your information or Data in accordance with these terms; the provision of information or Data by Kledo to anyone based on your authorization.
      3. The provision, access to, and use of Kledo Service are provided on an “as-is” basis and at your own risk.
      4. Kledo does not guarantee that the use of the Service will be uninterrupted or error-free. Among other things, the operation and availability of systems used to access the Service, including public telephone services, computer networks, and the internet, can be unpredictable and may from time to time interfere with or prevent access to the Service. Kledo is in no way responsible for such interference or prevention of access to the Service.
      5. Kledo is not your accountant, and the use of the Service is not the receipt of accounting advice. If you have accounting questions, please contact an accountant.
      6. It is your responsibility to determine that our services meet your needs and are suitable for your intended purpose.
      7. You remain responsible for complying with all accounting, tax, and other laws applicable to you. It is your responsibility to check that storage and access to your Data through the Service and Website complies with applicable laws, including any laws that require you to retain archives.
    3. Kledo does not provide warranties for its Service. Without limiting the above provisions, Kledo does not warrant that our Service will meet your requirements or be suitable for your intended purpose. For the avoidance of doubt, all terms or warranties that can be implied are excluded to the extent permitted by law, including (without limitation) implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for purpose, and non-infringement.
    4. You warrant and represent that you are acquiring the right to access and use the Service for business purposes, and that, to the maximum extent permitted by law, consumer guarantees provided under the law or laws intended to protect non-business consumers in any jurisdiction do not apply to the provision of the Service, Website, or these terms.
  8. Limitation of Liability:

    1. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Kledo excludes all liability and responsibility to you (or anyone else) in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, for any loss (including loss of information, Data, profits, and savings) or damage incurred, directly or indirectly, from any use, or reliance on, the Service or Website.
    2. If you suffer any loss or damage due to Kledo’s negligence or failure to comply with these terms, any claim by you against Kledo arising from Kledo’s negligence or failure will be limited to one event, or a series of connected events, up to the Access Fee you have paid in the previous 12 months.
    3. If you are not satisfied with the Service, your sole and exclusive remedy is to terminate these terms in accordance with clause 8.
  9. Termination of Contract:

    1. Probationary Period Policy: When you first sign up to access the Service, you can evaluate the Service under the terms of the specified probationary period, with no obligation to continue using the Service. If you choose to continue using the Service after the probationary period ends, you will start being billed from the same day you enter your billing information. If you choose to stop using the Service, you can delete your organization.
    2. Kledo does not provide refunds for any remaining prepaid periods on your Access Fee subscription.
    3. These terms will apply for the period covered by the Access Fee that has been or may be paid under section 4 paragraph 1. At the end of each billing period, these terms will continue automatically for the next period for the same duration, provided that you continue to pay the Access Fee as specified when due, unless either party terminates these terms with notice to the other party at least 30 days before the end of the relevant payment period.
    4. Payment Interval: The payment interval is automatic and binding as described in section 4 paragraph 1. If you decide not to make a payment for any reason, we consider that you have ceased using our service. If you want to continue the subscription process at a later date and access previous data, you must make a payment from the month you stopped using our service until the month you resume the reactivation process.
    5. Violations
      1. If you violate any of these terms (including, but not limited to, failure to pay any Access Fee) and do not resolve the violation within 14 days of receiving a notice of the violation if the violation issue can be resolved;
      2. If you violate any of these terms and the violation cannot be resolved (including, but not limited to) any violation of section 3 paragraph 4 or failure to pay the Access Fee that has exceeded the due date by more than 30 days;
      3. If you or your business goes bankrupt or is going through a process to terminate the existence of the organization, Kledo can take one or all of the following actions:
        • Terminate this Agreement and your use of our Service and Website;
        • Suspend your access to Kledo’s Service and Website for an indefinite period;
        • Suspend or terminate access to any Data or any Data;
      4. Termination of these terms does not affect the rights and obligations of the parties that still need to be paid until the termination date. Upon termination of this Agreement, you will remain responsible for unpaid charges and amounts due for payment before or after termination and immediately stop using our Service and Website.
  10. Other General Terms

    1. These Terms and Conditions, along with Kledo’s Privacy Policy and the terms of any notices or instructions given to you under these Terms and Conditions, supersede and nullify all prior agreements, representations (whether oral or written), and understandings, and constitute the entire agreement between you and Kledo regarding the Service and other matters discussed in these Terms.
    2. If either party waives a claim of any breach under these Terms, it will not waive them from any other breach claims. Waiver of claims is not effective unless made in writing.
    3. The parties shall not be responsible for delays or failures to fulfill their obligations under these Terms if such delays or failures are due to any circumstances beyond their control. This provision does not apply to any payment obligations.
    4. You may not assign or transfer rights to anyone else without written consent from Kledo.
    5. In case of a dispute between the parties, an attempt will be made to settle it amicably first to reach a consensus. If an agreement is not reached in this manner, the two parties agree to resolve the dispute through legal procedures with the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia.
    6. Any notice given under these Terms by one party to the other must be made in writing via email and will be deemed to have been given at the time of transmission. Notices to Kledo must be sent to hello@localhost or to any other email address notified to you by Kledo. Notices to you will be sent to the email address you provided when creating your access to our Service.
    7. Subscription is a recurring payment made in advance to consume accounting application services provided by kledo.com. After the subscription has been purchased, you can cancel at any time without additional charges, except for the payments already made. Cancellation requires a notice of at least 31 days before it takes effect.
    8. By subscribing to Kledo, the user guarantees that the company profile, logo, and other information listed on the Kledo account are accurate, and the user is a part of the company with the rights and authority to represent that company.
    9. By subscribing to Kledo, the user allows Kledo to display the company name and company logo in Kledo’s promotional media, unless there is a written request from the user not to display the information in any form.